
Magical Time Dagger
I read elsewhere that, despite possessing a time-reversing dagger, the titular hero never turns back time in an actual action sequence. I'm sure there are a million other problems with this movie, but this seems like a particularly glaring omission. At the very least, having a scene or two where

Joe Estevez as the Illusive Man?

And let's not forget that, on top of everything else, Venom looked absolutely ridiculous. I mean, just look at this shit:

@El Santo - This brings up a trend I've noticed in games that have a good & evil duality choice structure (e.g. Mass Effect, Knights of the Old Republic, Fallout 3). Most video game players are men (and thus choose to play as male avatars) and most people want to play as the "good guy." So, the second play through

@Feste - I had exactly the opposite problem. Like with most games, I had to do everything (or almost everything), so I sat through the planet scanning until I got every upgrade. I haven't quite risen to the level of an achievement whore, but hours spent playing 16-bit JRPGs in my youth have given me the stamina to


I swear to God, I only pressed the "post" button once.

Will it translate?
I'm sure the action sequences will be competently executed, but will the movie ever be able to deliver the visceral thrill of scanning a planet for element zero deposits? If I'm not the one holding down left trigger while pressing right on my joystick, it totally takes me out of the moment.

Will it translate?
I'm sure the action sequences will be competently executed, but will the movie ever be able to deliver the visceral thrill of scanning a planet for element zero deposits? If I'm not the one holding down left trigger while pressing right on my joystick, it totally takes me out of the moment.

Seasons 1-3 were good. 4 was ok, but it was clear they were running out of steam. 5 was simply bad. It was rarely funny. And Nancy drifted between loving and despising her Mexican gangster boyfriend with little explanation. She would be plotting her escape from him at the beginning of the episode, and by the 15

With Joe Johnston directing…
I could care less about the cast. Joe Johnston is an impossibly dull director. And he's demonstrated that, even with a good cast, he can't make a good movie.

Watch it. My ability to assign semi-arbitrary rankings to things is the only means by which I find order in an otherwise chaotic world. For instance:

I'm in total agreement with respect to FFV - great gameplay, forgettable story. Literally forgettable. I honestly don't remember anything about it. Something about crystals, but that describes 90% of video games ever made.

Keep in mind this list fluctuates some. I constantly switch between VI and XII as my favorite.

My ranking of FF games
Here they are, best to worst:

I'm in complete agreement with 12 being the best, 9 being the worst. I also see 9 come up as best in series a lot and I just don't get it - retrograde game mechanics, ugly character design, and to top it off, way too easy.