
Down in the backwoods of the comments
Craig was the only part I like about this episode and I think a better episode would have centered around Craig's revelation. The boys would have tried to get everyone at school to like them but, through no fault of their own, end up getting everyone involved in a ridiculous

The man who almost makes me proud to be a cook
I've been a dishwasher/prep cook/ salad guy/grill cook/sauce cook/"kitchen manager" for nearly ten years at the same restaurant and have absolutely no interest in cuisine whatsoever; I always thought I just did it for the paycheck. Bourdain's book "Kitchen Confidential"

Faux badass?
Have you ever read Kitchen Confidential? Bourdain's the real deal. It's amazing he's still alive and even seems somewhat healthy. Hell anyone who's survived that long in the kitchen is a badass in my book, I'm ready to hang it up after ten years. Of course I've yet to resort to heroin to get through it,

Waaay too short!
Of all the interviews I've seen with this guy, I was hoping this would be the one where he's asked what it's like to be able to go from a nobody in a given situation, say a party or a bar, to the ultimate center of attention just by speaking in a funny voice (which just so happens to be one of the

Please forgive me…
…but this has been running through my head since the final scene: "Popeye the Sylar Man". I'll be quiet now.

easytoplease, I'm afraid I may have inadvertantly started out a little too harsh and negative. I WAS thinking about that Stewie/Gene Kelly dance number when I started writing and it kind of exemplifies my point. While I'm sure the animation was tricky, and far from lazy, it didn't really require any creativity or

I guess it's just residual bitterness from the ongoing Simpsons v. Family Guy debates with my friends.
Anyway, I'm just curious why I don't often see that specific point brought up in criticism of the show.

Family Guy
I'll say up front that I'm a FG hater; I find it ocassionally funny but overall just annoying and drastically overappreciated. Nonetheless, I do leave it on in the background sometimes and chuckle at some of the jokes. What I don't get is how people can enjoy and/or defend the ridiculous amount of time they

Hear me out…
…Malcolm in the Middle. I don't give a damn what anyone thinks of this show until they've seen at least ten episodes. That's what it seems to take to begin to realize its genius. I'm not being sarcastic, it is really a brilliant show that will probably just disappear off the face of the earth because

Burgers are different, although a "very well done" request could get any reaction from the cooks, depending on the establishment. Mind you, I'm not talking about anything unsanitary, it's just tried and true; If someone orders a good cut of meat well done, they (in my ten years of experience) will not notice whether

Well done steaks
As a cook, the koth line was my favorite of the night. If someone orders a well-done filet mignon, it's either going in the deep fryer or the microwave, and they won't be sending it back because they don't know what steak is supposed to taste like anyway.

I've been wondering the same thing, along with wondering how they tracked before Molly was born. Maybe they really are all related somehow.

I agree that they should tell you everything IMPORTANT in the show, but the comics are great for answering nagging questions that don't have a major impact on the plot. Also, while the show has floundered this season, the comics are as good as ever.

Read the comics, dammit!
Once again, a recurring comments question has already been answered in the comics. The new issue is all about how D.L. became a firefighter. If you're too lazy to read it, I'll just tell you that his power helped speed up the training.

I got the impression that Parkman Sr.'s power was simply making people face their worst fears and that he didn't get to control what they saw. It reminded me of the drug in Batman Begins.