Johnny Utah

RE: Hatin'
It's not hip hop that people are slagging, it's Kayne's horrid flow and inabilty to create truly great lyrics. Look to KRS One, De La Soul, Tribe, Wu Tang, and Public Enemy to see how quality hip hop sounds.

Hokey religions and Tomas
ain't no match for a good blaster at your side.

Hokey religions and Tomas
ain't no match for a good blaster at your side.

It's Wes Clark
not Wes Ford (unless you've crossed over into some DC Comics alternative Earth 23 where the word "Ford" replaced the word "Clark" because Kal-El was found by a family in Central City instead of Smallville.)

If rap skill doesn't matter
then listen to Cornel West. He talks about intersting things as well.

Way to start a rap feud with a dopey redneck girl. That's gangsta.