
Saw a 'Dyson spot the difference' on another forum, with a pic of the wolfman and the famous dual cyclone hoover. A poster had replied that one sucks, and the other is a vacuum cleaner. Ba-doom-tish!

I'm still trying to work out what the fuss about The Hours was. I read it and felt I should like it because it referenced Mrs Dalloway and Virginia Woolf, but I found it pretty boring and an average read at best. I'm put off reading more of his work by my previous experience, the critical adulation of his work

@hipster: no, Germaine's.

la la la la, I'm not listening…
When I first read the headline, I thought it was something to do with veteran prog rockers Yes using some kind of automatic lyric generator.

The font is the clue…
I knew exactly what to expect when I saw the show name was not just written in Comic Sans, it was *italic* Comic Sans.