Liam Barrett

IMO, Iain De Caestecker is the show's MVP. Not to belittle the rest of the cast (who are generally awesome), but he consistently hits it out of the park. That last shot of him and Jemma damn near broke me.

"Saul Tigh is good at his job…The problem is, Saul Tigh isn’t great at his job"
I get where you're coming from, but I think that's doing Tigh a disservice. I would argue that Tigh is an excellent wartime commander (see ep 2 where he immediately figures the Cylons plans). He's a military man through-and-through, even

Definitely an under-appreciated gem! One of my all-time favourite Iommi solos (and it goes without saying, but Dio is god-like on it too)

Nice to know that I'm not the only one who found Bashir and O' Brien's farewell the singular most emotional moment in the finale (and yes, I too shed a tear).

Does anybody else find it interesting that Sif was under specific orders from Odin to bring back Lorelei alive? Given that Loki is currently masquerading as Odin, I wonder if this is a plot point that will surface again in some future Thor-centric movie…

I have to say, I absolutely loved the music in this episode. It had a very apt "superhero" quality to it…

I really liked this episode… The fact that Thor (or any of the other characters from that movie) didn't turn up is a plus in my book. This show needs to craft it's own identity and not tie itself to the movie series it spun off from. The "crossover" with Thor 2 made sense, but still felt like a studio-mandated

Having not seen any of the promos, I probably enjoyed the episode more for not knowing what was coming, but I have to admit, the Carter-Reese pairing felt very off to me too (never mind that I'm pretty sure they heavily implied a few episodes that Reese and Zoe were spending time together off the job, so to speak).

I actually really liked this episode. I recognise that the Governor was a tad inconsistent in the last season, but I see the massacre in the finale as a tipping point for him, not only in terms of how depraved he has become, but also as a moment of self-realisation. I can see his burning of Woodbury and helping the

Can't say I'm overly impressed with the new look at the moment. I'm pretty disappointed with the loss of a lot of useful site features/functionality for what seems to be mostly superficial changes to site's appearance. Hopefully these features will return once things settle down a bit and I will reserve full

Generally fair reviews,but I think you are both perhaps being a tad harsh in some respects. Oliver mentions that the "Tahiti" references are starting to grate for those who are suspect he is a Life Model Decoy, but remember that not everyone watching this series is going to be as well versed in Marvel mythology. And