The Traveling Lansburys

Never-again was yo momma after we sexed it up last night! Wait…

So that's what caused the gnashing of the teeth…

Netflix also has the first three seasons of Alfred Hitchcock Presents.

Both. Who could turn down these upstanding American icons?

The UC, aw yeah. Good times.

The first time? Was this your first episode?

*ahem* I think you mean Craig Sheffer of One Tree Hill.

I agree with you completely. I actually play the violin and have always been involved in orchestra and such. Passion and emotion can cover a lot of technical deficiencies. What good is the music if you can't feel what the instrumentalist is trying to channel? Or feel something besides cold austerity.


"Laughton later told Davis Grubb, the original author of the story, that he found little Sally Jane to be 'a repulsive, little insensitive pie-faced 'teacher’s pet' — and yet, this was precisely why he cast her as Pearl."

Tallahassee? More like Tallanasty, amirite?  *Gator chomp*

Tallahassee? More like Tallanasty, amirite?  *Gator chomp*

I legitimately switched my major and career choice so that I could try to change it from the inside if it still exists in a few years.

I legitimately switched my major and career choice so that I could try to change it from the inside if it still exists in a few years.

So was I! You think he (she?) would've learned his (her?) lesson.

So was I! You think he (she?) would've learned his (her?) lesson.

More like Rashida Jones. 
“I would go gay for her. It doesn’t seem fair that I get to work with her. I love her unconditionally,” Jones said.

More like Rashida Jones. 
“I would go gay for her. It doesn’t seem fair that I get to work with her. I love her unconditionally,” Jones said.

Your posts always brighten my day because that picture of Kermit is so adorable. That is all.

Your posts always brighten my day because that picture of Kermit is so adorable. That is all.