The Traveling Lansburys

I think he's thinking of the youngest kid from Home Improvement.

I think he's thinking of the youngest kid from Home Improvement.

The fourth paragraph ends in the middle of a sentence. Also, getting more nitpicky here, but "freinship" in the last paragraph is wack. Unrelated point, how do you know when to use "wack" or "wacked"? Both seem to be used as adjectives.

The fourth paragraph ends in the middle of a sentence. Also, getting more nitpicky here, but "freinship" in the last paragraph is wack. Unrelated point, how do you know when to use "wack" or "wacked"? Both seem to be used as adjectives.

I did, and I didn't even know one could make snow angels like that. How innocent I was.

I did, and I didn't even know one could make snow angels like that. How innocent I was.

or maybe it's a Pinterest fanatic. You can make so many things from shirts!

or maybe it's a Pinterest fanatic. You can make so many things from shirts!

It is! It's my friend's name.

It is! It's my friend's name.

I wonder if there's just something wrong with those people. I'm a college sophomore, and when I was in high school, my orchestra would play at elementary schools to get them interested in it. We always played Eleanor Rigby because without failure, whether it was in a low income or high income neighborhood, at least

I don't think many 18 and 19 year olds are rediscovering her music. I've never encountered someone else who knew her, and I only know her because I remember when D.J. Tanner begged Joey to stay up late to watch Tiffany's live concert from Tokyo on TV, and then they ate popcorn and danced to it, and Danny walked in.

I don't think many 18 and 19 year olds are rediscovering her music. I've never encountered someone else who knew her, and I only know her because I remember when D.J. Tanner begged Joey to stay up late to watch Tiffany's live concert from Tokyo on TV, and then they ate popcorn and danced to it, and Danny walked in.

Britta's definitely Hufflepuff, but she'll sit outside the door to Ravenclaw and try to prove she's smart by figuring out the riddle to get in.

Britta's definitely Hufflepuff, but she'll sit outside the door to Ravenclaw and try to prove she's smart by figuring out the riddle to get in.

Because you cannot compare different show grades to each other (except maybe with pilots or the first few episodes); only each show's episodes' grades compare to one another.

Because you cannot compare different show grades to each other (except maybe with pilots or the first few episodes); only each show's episodes' grades compare to one another.

Well he has given three episodes grades in the B range. I don't think he's entirely trashing it.

Well he has given three episodes grades in the B range. I don't think he's entirely trashing it.

He models for Prada. I had such a jolt when I saw the Jamie Bell, Garrett Hedlund, and Willem Dafoe poster glowering at me.