
Gomez took keys out of Walt's jacket pocket as he patted him down, but that still doesn't explain the key alarm going off as Walt closes the door of his car.  Not everybody keeps their car keys with their house keys.

The Fox Photo shack at the mall was only a prop for the film (understandable since it's also destroyed when the van crashes into it).

Enjoyed this episode but I think it took things just one step too far.  Watching it you keep waiting for the "I'm not gay" awkward moment and you come to expect it.  It would have been SO much cooler had Louie confounded that expectation of his audience and simply never went there.  After deciding to extend his trip

Enjoyed this episode but I think it took things just one step too far.  Watching it you keep waiting for the "I'm not gay" awkward moment and you come to expect it.  It would have been SO much cooler had Louie confounded that expectation of his audience and simply never went there.  After deciding to extend his trip

The only reason Coldplay did an extra song was to fill up extra time because material was cut as Amy Pohler missed the show to have her baby.

Shane and Mara
Still not clear why Shane and Mara don't leave town and go far far away.