Breakfast - the Most Important

I enjoyed This is the End, but no way was that better than this.

This may not have been as laugh-out-loud funny as the previous two, but I still enjoyed it a lot and was impressed at how dark the ending was. Especially for Martin Freeman's character.

What? That's such a weirdly inaccurate criticism of Simon Pegg. Fair enough if you don't think he's a great actor, but I literally have no idea what you are on about.


While we're on the topic, I've just gotten into Sparks recently and holy shit are they excellent. Such an amazing catalogue of music.

True, true.

Those relationships didn't really need to be destroyed, given how loose Childrens is with continuity.

That's what I was going for!

Blake shuffling into the shot really floored me, that was hilarious.

To me, that line sort of ruined the complete insanity of having Weird Al playing Michael in the flashback.

This really is the article I've been waiting for.

I fucking loooooove cereal.

@unicyclistperiscopes:disqus  THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING THIS WHOLE TIME!

Scrotal Recall

Comedown Machine really seems to have been ignored, but it's a pretty solid album, all up.

The Joy Formidable's Wolf's Law, anyone?

'Mutiny, I Promise You' may be my favourite NPs song, although there are so many contenders it's almost not worth trying to pick.

Definitely a better marketing campaign than Jay Z's.

Acid Rap might be my favourite album of the year so far (yeah, technically it's a mixtape, but it flows like an album), although The Joy Formidable's Wolf's Law is a close second.

Holy shit, I just got that joke. Nice.