Breakfast - the Most Important

Oh man, I'd forgotten about that bit. Pure gold!

Woods porn!

Bahaha. It's already Saturday here in New Zealand, I can stay home and listen to this all I want…

@Avatar Avatar: How did you manage to miss the instruments in that song?

Also: "In Japan, they always say "i'm sorry" instead of "thank you" in matters like opening a door for a woman or sharing food. It's a common practise that pisses off us foreigners living in Japan."

"Even the lovely virginal Imari develops an edge after absorbing part of the original dickgirls soul and becoming a dickgirl herself."

"Very little joke explanation and canned looks at the camera."

Originally I thought it was kind of progressive that most seasons began with a foreign guy being the chief antagonist before it was revealed that there was a white guy pulling the strings at the top, but then after a while I realised that that was still kind of racist, haha.

Who needs biastioc? Nah, just kidding - biastioc, please come back.

Well, you've got to give him credit for quitting while he was ahead. Umm, I think.

@MRC: I've given up waiting for things to come out on NZ TV (if they do come out at all) and just download everything now. It's the way of the future!


I fail to comprehend how you cannot care about news involving Mila Kunis. Christ man, are you blind?!

Fuckin' degallo!

Walken. What a guy.

Excellent thread, hats off to everyone involved! Except Degallo.

Raymond, you have done the internet proud.

People clearly have 'long' on the brain.

Fuck man, we've made it this far without anyone mentioning pistachios? Truly, they are the king of nuts.

@Shrike: Yeah, I think that's the idea. Good on him for trying, I suppose?