Guy who saw Charlie Daniels Li

I take umbrage to that remark.  That's like saying Primus did the best version of "Devil Went Down to Georgia"! 
Although, I always enjoyed how Primus rocked out the devil's portion of the contest.  I kind of wish that Charlie expanded on that in the live setting on Live DVD I watched recently… but it was a pretty

Are y'all kidding? Just watch the Charlie Daniels Live performance they got on there. Not only is it all pixelated, but the sound is all messed up too. During the interview scenes you can barely hear the man speak, but it's blaring during the concert. I love a blaring concert, but I got neighbors.

One of my big gripes about Charlie Daniels Live
He had a very sobering idea on politics during an interview about politics about how everyone doesn't agree with him. And that you can't have things both ways. He might be an extreme conservative, but if he had everything his way, the world probably wouldn't be all

Movies like this…
I recently got on my Netflix homepage "More like The Charlie Daniels Band: Live on DVD"

All I gotta say is
I could watch that Charlie Daniels live performance over and over again. Surprised Rabin never did a write-up of it.

Hmm, Flaubert, I guess I should have waited to connect that gem of a story to the Vanilla Ice Newswire… Hey! Did you all watch Charlie Daniels Live yet? It's on Instant Watch.

You know who's a benevolent monster?
Charlie Daniels. I watched his Live Performance recently and right at 1:11 he does this CRAZY dance! He spins the bow above his head and really busts a move. I didn't know he had it in him!

I'll admit, the Charlie Daniels Live performance I watched recently suffered from bad directing. Stop Making Sense is probably one of my favorite concert videos (even more than Charlie Daniels Live on DVD). Charlie Daniels would have benefitted from a great director like Scorcese, Lynch, or Demme behind the

Riker's O-Face
Speaking of the O-Face of men with beards… I know I've previous mentioned the crazy-ass instrumental version that the Band jammed out to during that Nashville live performance they put out on dvd. The crazy thing is that Charlie Daniels WASN'T EVEN THERE FOR IT!

These compilations are so many different genres
But I'm a country man myself. It's like Charlie Daniels said on his Live DVD. "Southern Rock" is not a genre. Lynyrd Skynyrd is rock and Marshall Tucker is country.
There I said it. I would have disagreed and even called myself a "Southern Rock fan" if you'd asked me

There's this part on that Live DVD
Where they're playing this crazy ass version of The William Tell Overture. I almost got a seizure. It had some great licks.

Men vs. Women
It's kinda like Charlie Daniels musing on Politics in the interview portion of that Live DVD I just watched.
If he had his way the country would be in the tubes, but if the other side got their way the country would be in the tubes. That's why we live in a Democracy. It's all about compromise.

The two girls aren't on stage, not sure if that was clear. It's a reaction shot of the audience. Some of the prettiest ladies I've ever seen at a Charlie Daniels Band concert. Although Nashville always seems to have the prettiest.

She's pretty but,
Any of y'all seen the Charlie Daniels Live DVD on Netflix? There's these two girls in red shirts when Simple Man is playing. WOOO-EEE they're hot.

You know what's decent? The Charlie Daniels Band: Live on DVD. It's on Instant Watch right now, so you should totally check it out. That man can perform!!!