Dollar Bill Wirtz

Apparently he's doing consulting work for the NHL in the run-up to the league's centennial.

Hey—she trusted him to hook up and run the Van der Graff generator! (Though that wasn't as much Teddy as it was Dr. Glenn Wellness, who had the highest MCAT scores in the state.)

It was the one where Boomhauer got dumped by Laura Linney.

Please don't put on Dido, PLEASE don't put on Dido

Now that you mentioned him, can we have a thread that celebrates everyone's favorite Sergeant Barber at Fort Blanda, Guillame D'Haute-Rive?

Also, if you think Gogo Yubari was a gloriously dangerous performance, watch Chiaki Kuriyama in Battle Royale as Chigusa. All that was missing was the ball-chain thingy.

Ah, Clementine Johnson, the best Reno Sheriff's Deputy ever to have a Steedly Dan tattoo.

The Jays making the ALCS would be good.


I don't know who Angus T. Jones is, but I do recall an Angus T. Steakflower being on 2.5 Men.

How you doin'?

Please, Janice, if you ever want to reach me, do so at this address: 15 Yemen Road, Yemen.

RIGBY didn't actual SV types hate Silicon Valley because it was too honest/didn't show Burning Man?


Arleen Sorkin, Powers Boothe, Jeffrey Coombs…

Sorry, but as far as rare book dealers in the UK go no one can compare to John Portsmouth Football Club Westwood: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Ah, if anyone should know the point total it's the guy who runs it. Thanks for the correction.

Wasn't that a joke in Demolition Man? (Criminally under-rated film, that is.)

Ah, re-run royalties, the cause of the best new rule in the Cancellation League! (It's the one where someone gets +375 points if their show gets sued, and surprisingly it HAS come into play this year.)

It's because they haven't aired yet.