
I can't see Saul doing Walt any more favors at all. Especially now that he's no longer going to be a source of income.

This new religious thing is bringing this show into Boondocks Saints territory.

I don't know that it's that simple. I think the problem may be more that the cast are generally talented comedic actors, but the SNL system also turns them into writers as well (which they may not be as good at as someone actually hired to write) and certainly favors their recurring characters and bits over new

So when's the Defenders movie, anyway? I'm much more interested in how Dr Strange, the Hulk, that Aquaman ripoff guy and the Silver Surfer get together… That seems like much more random of a narrative.

That's always been my problem with the Avengers.  If they're going to be true to their name they shouldn't be allowed to ever save anyone. They should only avenge them after the fact.

Jesus, his career "collapsed?" Devito is insanely wealthy and a major Hollywood name… Go look at his IMBD page, he's produced a ton of movies and TV shows.

Could also be the direction Stiller got, of course.

Well it doesn't take much research to see that he had quite a bit of success in Stiller and Meara in the 60s and 70s. The bits I've seen are pretty "of their time" and haven't aged all that well, but he has been doing comedy likely for longer than you've been alive. Obviously he has a sense of humor, great comic

I have to say, Boardwalk Empire's meticulous attention to period detail completely sucks you in to its world… But the writing is really flat. I don't consider it a good sign that I've seen every single episode and couldn't tell you what happened in any of them.