
Ah, I always wondered what Lorne's last name was.

Ack, my wife insists that the portrayal of the Dothraki is racist.  Because the brown-skinned people are savages.  The vale's hill tribes are white!  The wildlings north of the wall are white!  Can't ANY of the savages look like they aren't from England?

I'm shocked to learn that googling "freshness experiment" yields no substantial advertising-related matches.

Wow.  I will have to at least give this a try.

“And I get to tend the beets.”  “An’ you get to tend the beets.”  Dwight giggled with happiness.  “An’ live on the fatta the lan’.”

Tell us more about how you don't own a TV…

"he explained in interviews that he had to pray for each octopus, and in
the behind-the-scenes video below, he apologizes to one of them before a

A Twilight concept album told from the perspective of the vampire illuminati villains?  Sigur Ros, you Icelandic geniuses!  Ha-ha-ha, remarkable!

Oh, you may stray, but you'll always return to your dark master…

…most popular movies of all time!  What were you thinking?!?

I can't speak for all the other backlashers, but to me the problems are that his media empire is called The Nerdist and that he says things like "Nerd Culture."  It feels as though he discovered that a nerdy angle was getting popular and decided he would pursue the nerd-comedy brand as loudly and aggressively as

And the season finale will reveal that the two therapists are really their accent coaches!

Sims grade: B-
Community grade: B
Vocal minority weirdly attached to this show that used to be much better: "Sims is a monster! Attack!!!"

Brokencyde are still the champions of doing that, though.

If it were meant to be watched on a mere television screen, they would have called it "Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Television Screen."

How about just casting The Office, the television show, as a zombie?

Yeah… I just listened to that Grimes song.  I guess there must be something on a Tumblr somewhere that explains why it's supposed to be entertaining.

Seems like both universes have to be dreams, because, like a dream, he fails to investigate the absurd implications of his situation.  The first two episodes, as far as I could tell, don't even indicate which universe he experiences a given Monday in first.

I believe that was intended as a joke in reference to how A.V.-Clubbers will always know him as String.  Very subtle, though.

Based on the title, we could assume that it's been arranged as a historical document.  However, if any of the cameras (e.g., the flurry of smartphones near the end) were demonstrably destroyed, that theory would no longer work.