
So it's like Robocop, except for his legs, head, and torso?

So it's like Robocop, except for his legs, head, and torso?

Err, mixed up a couple of characters there. All of them except Andre Braugher were boring and terrible. The actual general's daughter was the one who was always wearing way more makeup than a person in that position should be wearing.

Err, mixed up a couple of characters there. All of them except Andre Braugher were boring and terrible. The actual general's daughter was the one who was always wearing way more makeup than a person in that position should be wearing.

Boy, I really wanted to like Last Resort. Runaway nuclear sub! Traitor nuclear sub captain that you're presumably supposed to be siding with! But I think it was the scenes with the General's daughter who built the super-secret sub-tracker thingy that were the first indications that the show was totally going to suck

Boy, I really wanted to like Last Resort. Runaway nuclear sub! Traitor nuclear sub captain that you're presumably supposed to be siding with! But I think it was the scenes with the General's daughter who built the super-secret sub-tracker thingy that were the first indications that the show was totally going to suck

Much of the early research that led to the internet was carried out under the defense department's budget or otherwise government-funded. The government built the first T1 backbone. The whole "government built the internet" trope is merely a huge oversimplification.

Much of the early research that led to the internet was carried out under the defense department's budget or otherwise government-funded. The government built the first T1 backbone. The whole "government built the internet" trope is merely a huge oversimplification.

What I meant was that committed Objectivists presumably tend to well above average in wealth or expect to be in the future (unless there is good evidence to the contrary, I think this is a safe assumption), and yet the basic approach is one of victimhood. It's not logically inconsistent that this is the case, but it

What I meant was that committed Objectivists presumably tend to well above average in wealth or expect to be in the future (unless there is good evidence to the contrary, I think this is a safe assumption), and yet the basic approach is one of victimhood. It's not logically inconsistent that this is the case, but it

Objectivism is fascinating because it allows people to whine precisely on the basis of having less to whine about than most people. It is strange, though, that some of the most powerful people in society— those who have benefited the most from their work within the system as it exists today— often still feel the urge

Objectivism is fascinating because it allows people to whine precisely on the basis of having less to whine about than most people. It is strange, though, that some of the most powerful people in society— those who have benefited the most from their work within the system as it exists today— often still feel the urge

T-Dog avatar? You have to go back!

T-Dog avatar? You have to go back!

"A Fistful of Yen"'s Evan C. Kim! So that's why you never see him in anything else (after he was so brilliant in that).

"A Fistful of Yen"'s Evan C. Kim! So that's why you never see him in anything else (after he was so brilliant in that).

Rose! Rose! Rose! You're so stupid, Rose!

Rose! Rose! Rose! You're so stupid, Rose!

I was more scared of The Devil's Backbone before they wrote it out in Comic Sans.

I was more scared of The Devil's Backbone before they wrote it out in Comic Sans.