
And I don't mean to imply that the person need be or should be white, just that who gives a fuck what color they are, either as receiver or giver of encouragement, so long as it happens. I appreciate you forcing some clarity out of me though fawlty.

I guess I wasn't clear. I know it wasn't a part of the article. It was more a response to the big(mclargehuge) response of the AV community. I read for a long time and started to feel that most of the negative response was due to how exceptionally unrealistic it was that a white person could have a passing exchange

True. Perhaps my judgement is clouded from extensive dealings with the depicted character archetype represented in the film that I don't find nearly as much wrong with it as I should. Interestingly enough, my students find the concept of a "great white hope" to be obviously condescending, but they do recognize that in

I hear what you are saying. Possibly I didn't include enough of this in my post, but I guess the times I have been most surprised are when I found out from a student I barely remember that I had an effect. I can't remember the year I had them or their name or any particular conversation and yet it mattered. Obviously

I know that I am joining this party way too late, and I rarely comment, but I just want to speak from personal experience.


May I say, you have an excellent taste in names.