Warren Oates

Is the magician still there?

That's your solution to everything! To live under the sea! It's not going to happen!

Not better then a good, Greek owned Long Island-NYC diner. Especially when drinking.

Big Barry's or GTFO.

Don't forget the sentient clouds.

I see you as a g-g-g-g-GHOST! Then I scramble in place for about a second to the sound of bongos, then take off.

Get thee away from me, English.

Shit bull.


"I said bippy!"
MST3K episode 501 - "Warrior of the Lost World"

What! How dare you…come at me bro!

My toddler fucking LOVES that show…and you're absolutely right.

Light weight. I used to light myself on fire and run through the wall, Kool Aid man style. What got me the second date was yelling "I regret nothing and I'll call you later!"

I always LIKED dates: is there attraction, will I pass out and piss my pants again, and those ever so rare times where things click, you wake up at her house and have to sneak out without waking her up…

Doesn't she work work with Nelson Muntz's Mom

I'd argue they derived their sounds from the 'Nuggets' albums combined with the Beach Boys as seen through the filter of the Stooges and NY Dolls.

Is that the relevant point I guess: reaping the benefits of the pop part? Cause that definitely starts in the early 90's when punk oddly enough became commercially viable. Otherwise, there's a lot of pop-punk from the late 70's and 80's that's really, really good and borders on a mutant version of power pop.

The Pixies aren't punk…but either way continue: this is an interesting argument. NYHC in the house up here, and I kind of see both your points. You can argue pop-punk could go back to bands like The Only Ones and even the Dickies but I think the OP really meant that sort of commercialized 90's sounding pop punk.

I'm upvoting you just for the 70's TV horror movie reference. That film and 'Bad Ronald' were my go-to films from that era.

Man am I old. I remember the old school tape punk compilation tapes from the 80's. I wonder if I have any of them left.