
No fold marks.

"Come On Eileen" by Dexy's Midnight Runners for crying out loud. C'mon people.

The first track wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for that auto-tune crap on the vocals. It's pretty thick and what the hell is wrong with great songs that might have a few tiny vocal flaws here and there? So much of that auto-tune stuff in music these days.

Someone should start a festival that features all this bizarre juggalo stuff, hours of line dancing, the weird Irish dancing… you know, basically all the stupidest-stuff-ever that is also mesmerizing to observe.

Someone should start a festival that features all this bizarre juggalo stuff, hours of line dancing, the weird Irish dancing… you know, basically all the stupidest-stuff-ever that is also mesmerizing to observe.

Exactly what I was thinking. WTF is wrong with you people. You have to complete the seasons. Go finish season 2 and if you don't think it is some of the funniest shit ever then go see your doctor immediately. Probably brain tumor or something going on.

Exactly what I was thinking. WTF is wrong with you people. You have to complete the seasons. Go finish season 2 and if you don't think it is some of the funniest shit ever then go see your doctor immediately. Probably brain tumor or something going on.

Wow really dbag ?!? How fucking wasted do you gotta be to say "The Fountain was by FAR the single most beautiful movie I've ever seen,
and while, yes, the main story was kind of junior-high-school silly on
the emotional front, it's still a staggeringly impressive work." ? How much for some of that?

I love year end lists and I also despise them. Seriously, what the fuck?!? Here is how this shit must work when some individuals put their lists together:
"Ok I need a top 20 list. I better have 2 or 3 top 40 artists so I don't seem too snobby (geeky). Oh and I need at least 3 rap artists to stink shit up with fake

I used to think she would be great to marry in terms of the type of beauty that I would never get sick of looking at. My opinion has not changed.

Well said Inertia. Now please allow me to talk a little shit and say to the " wah i liked it better when it was called battle royale" crowd: They are both good so why give a shit? Let's not waste our time bitching about the similarities in 2 good things when there are way worse pop culture issues we MUST bitch about.

I thought that his last and/or only fan was named Jerry and he died as a race car driver.

I bet you also like these artists:
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Dave Matthews

Am I the only person who thinks Foster the People suck ass? Seriously, their music is not the good kind of catchy. I will take Staind over them any day and I hate Staind.