
Harry Potter made me understand the tangled complexities of our current political climate.

To be fair, those invaded appropriated the stirrup from the Mongols, so it evens out.

We all know Roz Kirby was the only true queen.

And then they all got caught in a reference loop by quoting the "I got that reference" line from the Avengers. And then the murders began.

Nope. Jessica Walter is the true queen by right of playing the villain in that 70s Dr Strange… thing.

This is what the Space Pope warned us about!

C'mon Efron, keep roidin' up! That Youngblood movie needs more grotesque musculature!

I mean what Sully and Mike had wast just a minor quarrel.

It's time for the Spawnissance!

Yay, two pieces of CG crap hitting each other!

Entitled and whiny, just as I imagined.

But I must have something to complain about.

That scene alone was like those TV inserts in Robocop. Suddenly I got what the movie was going for.


Toomes also has a daughter in the comics, although her name’s Valeria, and she’s an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The music was nice.

Yeah well mine is Laurence Olivier Alec Guinness Henry Irving…

Things really went bad once they introduced Scrappy Spikey.

In Spider-Man's first story, up til the twist at the end, you'd think you're reading a supervillain origin story. Peter's monologue is two steps away from becoming a teen doctor Doom.

I loved that the premise for the show was "what if Peter Parker learned how to be a superhero aided by grumpy old man Wayne?"