
At least Depp beat his wife! Sorry, what's the point we're trying to make here?

A lot of things could go wrong between now and the release date.

I really don't remember, I watched that movie 20 years ago. Can anybody help a doddering old man here?

When did they mention the stormtroopers are clones in Jedi?

It seems like 90s nostalgia is already here in full force. Which was 60s nostalgia, only including the non-threatening aspects of other ethnicities, and it was fine if you CHOSE to be gay and kept it to yourself and never talked about it unless it was to make fun of the homos.

Well, we had reached peak End of History by then, so it was difficult to get any momentum from movies anymore.

And here I was thinking the point of high-concept was to make your idea clear in one sentence.

You sound fragile, m8.

James Earl Jones must be freaking out at all the fan mail he's suddenly getting from Adam Driver.

*nods and cites Laurence Olivier /Dustin Hoffman anecdote*

Not scary, I think "intense" and "unpredictable" is the word you're looking for.

When he did Silence, he actually travelled back in time and got ordained a Jesuit priest in the 17th century.

So this archer superhero sets off on a road trip to tackle the everyday injustices of modern America? Sounds familiar.

Oh yes they did.

It's clearly an imp that sits on Michael Keaton's shoulder and blasts everything he dislikes.

"God, we now need to speak about Donald."

Politics is not about politics.

Kylo Ren looks as if he's going to take away 50 points from Gryffindor.

I'm confused by the end of Rogue one. Who was that chick in white? What happened with the giant Laser Ball?

I hope one of the pieces is Cate Blanchett in her Hot Fuzz gear and the twist is that's not her.