
Well, I now want Judi Dench to play a Bene Gesserit in Villeneuve's Dune.

Highlighting the CGI as the selling point of a movie is to blockbusters what "the photography was great", or "I liked the wardrobe" is to prestige dramas.

I seeThe OA as an experiment. An experiment in testing the audience's resilience to utter artless crap just by coating that crap in buzzwords like "golden age ot television!" "Binge watch!" and "Netflix!".

Why nobody in Hollywood is fast tracking Gremlins 3 with president Clamp is beyond me.

Also Castle of Cagliostro

Hudsucker's Proxy

Man, I've gotta get going on my giant squid project

I'm not sure those movies about samurai wizards fighting nazis in space will cut the nonsense any time soon.

Last week I got glass in my feet when rescuing my brother from the rival dojo!

Yeah, freakin' mary sues. Why can't we have realistic heroines like John McClane, who just thwarted a plot to steal millions by an ex-terrorist group with military grade weaponry while barefooted and also trying to salvage his marriage?

Next one will be a sitting ovation! That'll show him!

Mickey Rooney?

Spotlight 2: La La Land of Rape

They didn't need Harmon's input because they realised they just had to replace the parts that say Tony Stark with Stephen Strange and the parts that say Green Lantern with Dr Strange.

Brandon Brindle, ladies and gentlemen: man of mystery and cunning strategist! He will unravel your mind with smarts! He's 64 moves ahead of you! He knows you were thinking about an elephant!

I didn't follow the event, I was part of it.

I don't know, when they focus on famous individuals, it seems to me that it takes away from the sheer awesomeness of the movement and its magnitude.

I am glad those unsung heroes, Hollywood stars, get the spotlight they deserve on this momentous occasion.

This may be my favourite movie of the year, and this my favourite review about the movie.

Finally the feel-good story of 2016!