
Now my comment is just baffling! But please report that murdering machine to the proper authorities.

Then stop going to your aunt's computer, asshole.

Nah, that's crazy talk. January 2017 is when president Trump gets the nuclear codes.

IM3 is a great Shane Black movie cleverly disguised as a Marvel movie with that third act "everything explodes now!" thing they do.

And now a bunch of musings from that guy that sometimes posts here:

Nothing bearing the name Ghostbusters has ever been, is, or will be good in any way, shape, or form. Except Joan H. Ghostbusters, civil rights activist.

I hope this time they adapt the intent of the story: being crazy is not liberating or idealistic at all and the world is full of shitty people. Don Quixote's triumph is regaining sanity before he dies. Spoilers for a 400 year novel, I guess.

I hope it goes well for Alicia Vikander, but I can't help but think that Daisy Ridley dodged a massive bullet here.

Man, I'm always rooting for Del Toro to make a movie I really can enjoy because his tastes align with mine 99% of the time. But I always find his movies lacking in some aspect or other. The best way I can describe it is that he's a really knowledgeable cinephile who is trying to be a filmmaker.

But is she considering playing Sarah Connor at least?

Well, knowing something that I enjoy has been made by making living, breathing beings suffer only doubles that enjoyment. That's why I buy Apple products.

It's about ethics in acting parts!

I got creepy herpes once!

It's true. He only made prints:

And Superman hasn't told us to slap a Jap recently.

He does well with the material he's handed, but that Batman is someone I wouldn't mind getting shot in the face. And I say that as a Batman fan.

To help me with my issues regarding… nope, that's a joke too far for me.

This movie is bafflingly bad. Children were really bored at my session.

Actually it's one that makes sense: arms race. You don't stop building battleships because Pearl Harbor happened, you just make more, bigger and tougher.

I seriously hope there is a documentary about how it got made.