
Imagine Jim Carrey's E. Nygma mixed with with a low intensity Ledger's Joker and Tommy Wiseau writing the whole mess. Also his father abused him.


B v. S is one one the most baffling movies I've ever seen since Attack of the Clones. Also it's really bad.

The best part is that, according to Timm, those episodes are heavily influenced by His Girl Friday.

JFK's sister was part Hawaiian?

If he sticks to his slo-mo quirks, narrating history would take double the time actual history did.

You could see they were very Ang Lee about those jokes.

I doubt anyone could play an adventurer archaeologist after being in an extremely successful sci-fi mov… oh.

There's only one other Force at work, my son.

That hedgehog is totally in my face!

"Ghostbustresses" doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

In my case you're correct. I mean, I'm a filthy half-roma and we gyppos are supposedly really xenophobic towards black people.

Not enough Kate McKinnon.
Too much Leslie Jones.

He's now made of wax: he cannot rot, only melt.

To make up for this insensitive oversight, the academy has promised that next year oscars will be hosted by a bunch of decomposing corpses.

What if Leo never wins the oscar and 80 years later there's a Leo biopic and the actor who plays Leo wins the oscar and the latin oscar?

What a misleading headline. At no point does the Flash go back to 'Nam with Skinner.

Holy crap, after all these years I've just realised Skinner's prisoner number is the same as Jean Valjean's.

There are kids under my lawn.

I completely get why people would love the movie. I didn't like it, but that doesn't mean people are wrong for enjoying it.