
One thing I learned from "Get a Life" is that spelling bees have the best open bars. Hope that aspect is addressed.

oh man they freaking better not screw up the song. I am getting pissed off now.

I think he's supposed to be upper-middle class and be financially independent and stable as a result of being in his late 30s and employed for 15 odd years without having to support anyone but himself- that middle ground where he's not fabulously wealthy, but doing well enough that "Stuart has no money" won't be a

Plus Guy strikes me as the type of, uh, guy who would think "Kenny's Cuttin' In" is terrific until he quickly tires of it/realizes it's stealing his thunder. He probably loved Dontel's "nonononono" bit at first too.

Well, it's not Marah Eakin's job to write a review for Avett Brothers superfans (of which I am one.) She has to write a review based on whether she would recommend this album to the general population of music consumers. I love the album a ton, but if you were to ask me whether I'd recommend it to someone who didn't

Plus how sexy did Jax look when he had his gun on that broad and his hair got unslicked back for just a second.  Talk about your satisfying male adrenaline rush!

I was going to bitch a little more because do dragonflies even fly that high?  Then I figured, yeah, I guess they fly pretty high.  Fuck that song anyway.

Yeah I think that is as big or bigger than Hank's phone call to Marie.

A person should love U2 for about as long as they love Catcher in the Rye.  Also, I can't imagine hating U2 and liking Mumford, since Mumford is pretty clearly reaching to be U2 with a banjo and other old-timey horseshit.

So was there an implication that Wilfred deliberately killed Ryan's dad and if so, and if Wilfred is a figment of Ryan's imagination, does that mean Ryan killed his own dad?  The situation presented onscreen sure seemed like a pure accident, but I thought Wilfred's line about "I feel like this is my fault, how could I

I am trying to think of a popular male group that DOESN'T have several songs like that.  U2 maybe?

Now why would you limit it to female anchors when they have delicious slabs of manmeat like Carl Cameron and Fred Barnes on their roster?

The woman playing "Sherrie" is so incredibly attractive, yet when I hear the song and picture the video in my mind's eye, the only image that comes to mind is Mr. Perry's male cameltoe.

I think Todd VanDerWerff was confusing when he wrote "The game is set so contestants will hit the Whammy every sixth or seventh spin."  I don't think he meant whammies would automatically pop up, I just think there was about a 15% chance of a whammy on any given spin.

I have been trying to think of an analogy that would clearly demonstrate that it is cheating and I can't think of one, which has led me to agree it's not cheating.  The problem is CBS wanted the results to be random, but they built a game that wasn't actually random. It's like using a two-headed coin and getting mad

I generally don't do any TV re-watching except for maybe last season's finale to get prepped for a new season, or if I am folding clothes on a Saturday morning and a Sopranos or Mad Men rerun is on.  Isn't time better spent consuming something new?  Anyways, I basically came here to gripe that Game of Thrones is

that is a really excellent point.



At first, I was all "it is just like Dancing Outlaw!" And then I was all "is just like Jersey Shore!"  And then I was all "it is just like Jackass!"  And then I was all "IT IS ALL THAT AND MORE"