
Based on next week's previews, it seems we'll be treated to an Arkady/Stan showdown…

Remember when undercover Russian spies were caught on US soil in 2010? One of the couples who was caught had a son they were indoctrinating for a future career in espionage. I think that's what what's happening with Jared here.

Same here. The FBI could have been monitoring her visit with Jared, then followed her after she left. Why would she make a call to her own home from a payphone in broad daylight, where they could spot her?

At this point, it's probably not smart of her to try to protect Jared. This season, Elizabeth and Philip have shown the numerous ways their KGB lives have taken a toll on them. I'm not sure Elizabeth would be up for the task of "eliminating" Jared…

Will Elizabeth regret burning the letter she was supposed to give to Jared, following the deaths of his parents and sister?

I agree, it doesn't seem very plausible to me that Larrick is handling this all by himself. He's definitely skilled but even Philip/Elizabeth don't do everything by themselves.

That part confused me as well. I don't know if they ever explained how Larrick came upon the switchboard operator's number.

He's probably smart but his overall demeanor and his comment to Stan about being a recluse suggest that he's either hiding something or he's a bit confused. I may be reading too much into the few scenes Fred has had this season, but he's definitely a wildcard here.

If the DoD folks are trailed by a security detail, there way well be photos of Fred and Philipp at the amusement park. It'd be funny if Martha were the one to see those photos—-would she be able to recognize Philipp when he's not dressed as Clark?

Fred seemed genuinely fond of "Paul." I wouldn't be surprised if that old friendship becomes an important factor in Fred's future meetings with Stan. Stan doesn't yet know what he's looking for, but he's fishing around and starting to make progress.

Agent Gaad takes the pen (fixed with the recording device) with him when he leaves his office. I wonder if Martha was smart enough to take out the recording device beforehand…she could be in for a world of trouble.

Philip & Elizabeth were having the walls repainted at their travel agency.