I am Lono

The first thing I thought when Sawyer mentioned a password was, "Spot on."

my apologies. let me re-phrase:

hydrocodone for your ears
i've been jamming this nonstop since it leaked a while back. its woozy languid effortless swagger is hypnotizing. i anticipate a summer of drunkenly lazing around the beach jamming this on my completely ridiculous ipod fold out chair. i'm giving this and their entire catalog (including the

Bowie as Pontius Pilate
Tom Waits as the bum in The Fischer King
John Lurie in Fishing with John
Elvis Costello as himself in 200 Cigarettes
Joe Strummer in Mystery Train

I can't even look at Ken Marino without laughing.

The movie was flawed but still worth watching. As far as the topic of voice over is concerned, this movie would have been unwatchable without it. "Holy shit, there I am!" Gilliam fought to include the "wave speech" so I have to commend him for that. More than anything though, Thompson's commentary track is absolutely

I love the fact that Donald Kaufman won an Oscar.

I thought it was quite inventive. "Here's our man, yeah all right, here's me, well the guy playing me though he don't look nothing like me." I think it was more than just narration, it was the whole meta mindfuck of the real people interacting with the actors and still telling a coherent story that never felt forced

throughout the movie Navin sends letters back home and Steve Martin narrates them off camera. my favorite moment is when he affects Jackie Gleason saying "What do you think I do? Write letters all day?"

I have a real problem with Welsh's books, I start thinking in a really bad South Texas version of Scottish dialect after reading them.

in the latest cut (or at least the latest one I've bought), there is a looooong documentary that features some outtakes from the voice over session's where Ford's just saying, "Blah blah blah this sucks and I hate doing it." He was completely against the narration and I still have never seen the movie with it and have

the Branson model
in an interview a while back Tom jokingly suggested that he should hold revival type concerts in the middle of nowhere and have his audience come to him. given that i have missed the two opportunities i've had to see him in the past ten years, i tend to agree.

WIWC was definitely his best. His two non-vanity project albums, Delivery Man and Momofuku, had plenty of good songs but they both had some real clunkers. "My Three Sons" is just about the worst thing he's ever done, maybe worse than the entirety of Goodbye Cruel World.

costello has moved on
now he hates the internet. the first track of Momofuku has him pitching a fit over anonymous internet comments/criticisms and how everything will soon be free. but for some reason, when elvis complains, he doesn't sound like an angry grandpa and Momofuke is almost his best album of the decade.

it's like a baby's toy
i need to get something other than a wii, so i can play with the grown ups.