
It's ok for a FIRST record.

Sense Field's Building
I found a copy of Sense Field's Building in a bunch of records my older buddy was gonna sell and I did a little dance when he gave me the cd. Whenever I ask a lifer who grew up hardcore about how they feel about modern emo they always point me to Building.

I was going to post my 2 cents but I felt the same way as Mr. Heller and so no point in adding another affirmative voice. When I checked after work, there were 400+ comments and realized that this was an important nerve that has been tapped and I'm thinking this post is a continuation of said

Who would win in a karaoke bar fight? Neko Case or Chan Marshall?

When I was 9, this beta was sitting around. I popped it in and was horrified. I like the rest of you still remember that one dude slowly roasting over the fire.

Oh man I'm surprised that Creedence Clearwater Revival didn't come up on his iPod. That's his go to schtick in his stand up/stint on Insomniac when he wants to establish a generational gap between him and his audience.

I'd sign up to fight
For the Smile Brigade. Sounds like a ska band. There should be a list of terrible ska names. I'll start with a short lived local band called Skanking With Scissors.

As far as I'm concerned Leatherface's Mush is the best punk record England has ever made and unfortunately everyone in that merry little island was busy shoegazing when it came out.
Mush should be a permanent record.

channel => fireball
now you are a delicious panda.