
With Frank, I'd start with some of the singles from Channel Orange, then listen to the whole thing. Thinkin Bout You, Pyramids, and Bad Religion are my favorites. His albums are great, but they're pretty slow paced, so I'd just listen to the best tracks first and see if you like them.

Seriously, this list is messed up. Yosuke is one of my least favorite party members across 3, 4, and 5. Such a homophobic, le white knight gentleman idiot.

It's garbage, and somewhat insulting. I heard someone describe it as "nerd blackface" and I thought that was pretty on point.

I grew up in a pretty right wing household (though not religious, thankfully), and when I first started watching The Daily Show in high school, I was nowhere near as liberal as Jon, but I still watched him, and he and Colbert certainly played a big part in helping me see through the bullshit throughout the years. The

I'd rather get a apology for not doing a few more rewrites on that broken screenplay before sending it to those amazing animators, but I suppose Let It Go was pretty bad too.

The problem with the "losing tens of thousands of dollars in revenue" argument is that a large portion of users that pirate a particular album would have been unlikely to purchase the album legally in the first place. There's plenty of music I've pirated that I would have never paid 8 dollars to listen to, but still

Yet another reason why voice command is a terrible idea. As if saying "Xbox On" was any more difficult than holding a button down for a second.

Ya, each is episode is almost like a "chapter", as if it were a book or something, each part leading up to a greater climax.

I loved the new season too. It was weird and experimental and was made to be binge watched. Sure, it wasn't quite as good as 1-3, but I still enjoyed it more than most of Community, which is quickly becoming one of the most overrated comedy shows ever.

I just remember taking a 4 day Disney World trip with my family as a kid, and Epcot being the most boring park by far. What rides are even there, like one roller coaster? I don't go to theme parks to learn about culture and shit, I go there to ride roller coasters and get pictures with people sweating in silly

You guys must have been some cynical fucking 12 year olds. I loved all 3 movies. Haven't seen Lost World or 3 in quite a while, so that'll probably change, but as a little kid I watched all of them dozens of times.

Now I understand why Epcot is the most boring theme park I've ever been to.

I was under the impression they'd still been updating it, I just haven't gone to that site in a few years. Sad. :(

Agreed. Fly actually stuck out to me as being one of the lower quality episodes though. It felt like 99 percent filler to me, unlike basically all of the other episodes. Maybe I'll like it more on a rewatch, I've only watched the series like once in it's entirety.

B- is ridiculous, this album deserves much better than that.

I love the stuff at the end of the album, I really don't understand what the problem is. Their EP was great for two reasons. First, because it was fucking catchy despite the noise and lyrically devastating, and secondly because the production was unique and abrasive. It was such a chaotic wall of sound that it

Of all the problems people have with Dark Souls, the menu is only one that truly frustrated me. Part of the fun of Dark Souls is that your first 10 hours or so of gameplay are spent learning the rules of world. Sure, you could just look up some internet guides and get to that point really quick, but that would ruin

Based on how heavy-handed just about every point they tried to make in the first season was, yes, it's probably that.

In their defense, there haven't exactly been a lot of high profile rap releases in the last couple months.

I've only seen a few rap shows, but the only one that I thought was particularly good was the Yeezus show. Rap shows benefit from being more theatrical I think, or at least from having a lot of cool visual stuff on the stage. They need to make more of an actual show than just watching them rap for an hour and a half.