
down with this sort of thing & careful now.

looks like he's ducked out on him there.

surely they're all playing war of warcraft on thier ipads! amirite?

the young women in the pharmacy clearly isn't a oscars viewer and unlikely to start now. think on crystal.

Surely fully grown men getting their knickers in a twist over a children’s film is MUCH WORSE than teenagers being overexcited about a film for teenagers.

are those glasses photochromic? if so he's living the dream

well said. someone reckoned his laugh is infecious, but i'd say it was more grating.

agreed. also it had alf from home and away playing a nutjob, the flaming great galah

not one shout for CSI. you can't say it doesn't fit 'who are you?' for goodness sake. & townsend was clearly just reasearching for a book.

hang on is this ron perlman character any relation to rhea perlman? if so my subconscious perceptions are two steps ahead of me

but the dead turk incident was the only thing that actually happened in real life, in it. well apart from the war. but maybe thats why it seemed so out of place.

here's how it works: more explosions = more noise which in turn results in less people getting wound-up by some pig loudly eating their popcorn and/or rusting a packet of some sort.. and therefore more likely to recommend the film to their friends. i reckon.

becker is always on the sony channel which is hardly a glowing recommendation. and to answer your question i've never seen it either.

the mad thing about ted danson is, when i watched hellboy i though hellboy was danson all the way through, thinking he'd certainly looked after himself. until the credits obviously. surely i'm not the only one?

is anyone having the road? the whole film is a bit of a sickener, but the scene when they go down in the cellar..bad times.