
Nothing gets by this guy, eh?

Nothing gets by this guy, eh?

It's cool. Just maybe next time, don't see a comedy if you don't have a sense of humor.

It's cool. Just maybe next time, don't see a comedy if you don't have a sense of humor.



Dig. Plus any show that casts Craig Anton gets my vote.

Dig. Plus any show that casts Craig Anton gets my vote.

I like to think his guest spots on Louie are really based on this homeless 30 Rock character than himself.


I think this would fall into the category of his "big, purple veiny dick joke," which, politics aside, doesn't require much more context than "CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNT!"


I wish them luck
and will continue to not listen to their music.

Everything was Beautiful
and nothing first.

Yeah, Seth's funnier, but he's also pretty racist.

Wasn't this the same period as their collaboration with the Fat Boys?

::cough, cough:: Last Action Hero ::cough, gargle, cough::

She was in South America for chrissakes, give her a break. And hell, she was barely in the episode, except to show up with her new boyfriend and string Andy (and all of those for whom Andy is an acting surrogate) along even further.


Chicago standup represent!