The Aardvark

This album hit me like a ton of bricks when it came out. I loved Gentlemen, and Black Love really felt like an organic extension of that album. Then things went full tilt with 1965, and then…they broke up (and reformed recently, but still). That three album stretch is one I will put up against anyone else, ever. At

Despite its sleaze, or maybe because of it, I still count 1965 as my favorite album of the 90s. I greatly enjoy Black Love and adore Gentlemen, but 1965 just has something to it.

To this day, when the big chorus in the middle of the song is over, I hear James yell "make some eggs!". IIRC, he is saying "speak to me", but still.

Mindcrime is tremendous.

A shame, because I still count Operation: Mindcrime as one of the greatest albums of all time. Although I suspect that tour was probably in the Rage for Order era, which was not very good.

I love this movie endlessly. My wife and I still quote it often, and sing the song from the credits. Good times.

Yeah, I discovered their first album in a used record store in high school a billion years ago, and snap purchased it based on the band members (The Smiths and New Order were, in 1994, the coolest goddamn things on Earth as far as I was concerned, along with The Cure). I was not disappointed, as I still love that

I'm not sure of why the separation occurred, really. I've pretty much always seen both, but adviser has always been more common in my experience, especially when used as a legal term (by the government, etc.).

FWIW, both are acceptable. Adviser tends to be more common, though.

I adore New Order, but "Vivid" (by Electronic) is one of my favorite tracks of all time.

Only because you are a fargin' icehole.

I see you.

I've got a weird thing for girls who say "aboot".

2007 was a cut above, though, IMO.

They could make a documentary about it: The Leo in Winter.

Can we just agree that 2007 was amazing for great movies?

Eh, never mind. Carry on.

Same, although a significant reason is due to Black Widow being awesome.


She was in a video for a different song from this album, IIRC, not "Personal Jesus".