This article has been up for an hour and it's still not on AVC's main page?
This article has been up for an hour and it's still not on AVC's main page?
How many shows like this can ABC Family have? They had the switched at birth one, this one and another one coming up?
I should probably start watching Breaking Bad now.
It wouldn't surprise me if AMC's shitty strategy in the MM negotiations (shove more money at Matt Weiner until he agrees) ended up fucking them over.
Man Mens sounds more suited for ABC.
All these Mad Men ripoffs
are crap compared to the original.
Sunny's coming back the 15th, so I guess they have to get them all shown before then.
Assuming you're talking about the first episode (and what else would it be), why wouldn't it be canon? They get the dog, who appears throughout the rest of the series. Nothing extremely monumental that would point to it not being so happens.
They could be setting things up for some TLPJF-type episode later in the season, where they can get together and then have it never be mentioned again for the fourth time. Yeah, probably not.
They did have something that was a transparent copy of popplers, though. What was it, something with a b?
But unlike Zoidberg…
Mr. Peppy is my friend!
Cheese… whiz?
I mean, the idea is to trick the moms into letting the kids bop with us.
Breakfast of Champions and God Bless You Mr. Rosewater are both great, although Slaughterhouse 5 is probably the best to read first. Agree w. Tom S-
virtually everything Vonnegut is worth reading, at least.
$130? That sounds like mine pre-porn… would that I purchased porn, which is pure poppycock.
Sure, it'll be a flop in 'traditional' terms, like 'Box Office Gross' or 'Budget Made Back', but that's the old way of looking at things. Try it's TRDB/G. I think you'll be surprised.
Mad Men. Lots and lots of it.
Dog Eat Dog?
IMDB said nothing, but I don't think it was.