
Kevin Durand is killing it on The Strain right now. There are so many unlikable characters on that show, but I love Kevin as Vasiliy Fet.

I am utterly shocked that Black Books didn't make the list. There is no finer sitcom out there.

My wishes are pretty boring - Season 3 of The Adventures of Pete and Pete, seasons 1&2 are out there but not season 3 and a bunch of the shorts that they used to play on Nick are not out there on DVD either.

If dad is worried about offending his son with an assumption that he is gay why not present both gay and straight sex ed material? This could help reinforce that he isn't going to judge his son and that he is just concerned about his son's health and safety, and possibly help ease his son into coming out.

Am I the only person who liked this movie? Not like it was great art or anything, but I still think it was a better story than the first one.

Am I the only person who liked this movie? Not like it was great art or anything, but I still think it was a better story than the first one.

Does all this P&P nostalgia mean we can finally get the season 3 DVD's? And can they make sure to add the "Artie, Strongest Man in the World" short? Because - Don't….eat….metal. DON'TEATMETAL!!!

I think an honorable mention needs to go to Manic Pixie Dream Grandma Ruth Gordon in Harold and Maude. She fits the bill perfectly!