
i'm so excited this is being covered on the T.V. Club.

fuckin yeah Punch Drunk Love!

everyone who has seen the Man Who Fell To Earth has been Bowie's penis.

what parties are you going to, Luv2Party?

at least it's an ethos.

New England Comics and the the Tick
ok, so this is kinda funny-

the first Dunkin Donuts was and still is in Quincy MA

Catholic Block rock(s) my sock(s).

i read that and immediatly had the image of my cat clinging to my face as i drove, then me running in to a tree and being arrested for possesion on the spot. they took a mug shot of my cat, and then of me with scratches all over my face.

Big Pete, dare i ask how you know that?

only if it's not really an imitation.

only if it's not really an imitation.

it's funny 'cause it's true
note the name of this article related to the # of comments. yeah!

seriously, it's not about Robotripping. i just really like the like the taste of cough syrup.

in a glass

mmm, cough syrup
let me be the first to say that if the Cherry Blossom Kit Kats taste like cough syrup, sign me the fuck up!

Fuck it, i'm calling in sick tomorrow
Friday Buzzkills came early this week.

haha, i heard the "old fisherman's tale" from an old fisherman. seriously.

they sound a whole like My Bloody Valentine when they play live.

they're trying to wiggle free because they want to be back in the water. it doesn't mean it hurts.