
Rarely the question is asked… are winters coming?

Rarely the question is asked… are winters coming?

This show has two types of episodes:  (1) funny and (2) paralyzing stomach pain laughter.  This one was funny.

This show has two types of episodes:  (1) funny and (2) paralyzing stomach pain laughter.  This one was funny.

1000 words about a cartoon on the disney channel.  i doubt the people who made this could come with so much to say about it.

1000 words about a cartoon on the disney channel.  i doubt the people who made this could come with so much to say about it.

none of those things have the same meaning.

that's just what i think.  he was a brilliant curator of american folk music.

that's just what i think.  he was a brilliant curator of american folk music.

He was not an especially adventurous or creative artist but he was skilled and he made beautiful music.  I think what made his music special was the genuine affection for the ideals woven into American folk music - and he let that shine through without any of the insufferable self superiority , racial animosity,

He was not an especially adventurous or creative artist but he was skilled and he made beautiful music.  I think what made his music special was the genuine affection for the ideals woven into American folk music - and he let that shine through without any of the insufferable self superiority , racial animosity,

The memo in its entirety reads "There are five lights."

The memo in its entirety reads "There are five lights."

remembering the alamo was pretty good too.

By 2016 there won't be any non-brow-furrowing based tv shows left.

jack white's vocal affectations have metastasized into his physical posture.

start with this movie, take out everything, replace it with three episodes of Key and Peele and a few beers and then we'll start talking.

the acronym is an onomatopoeia.  i would assume its a fake title to help the project avoid media scrutiny.

If I want to recontextualize a few spare facts in order to gratify my desire to be self righteous you better not get in my way.  That is, IF YOU CARE AT ALL ABOUT THE FIRST AMENDMUNT.

okay i will.