
I saw that part…then suddenly…" ABANDON SHIP!!! ABANDON SHIP!"

Merlyn has a video of Thea doing the deed. If he ever got that, I'd say those are pretty good grounds to stand on.

Nice touch that Rigby's hallucination of Mordecai is a burger in a tortilla. Surprised at the part when I saw Margaret slapping CJ. She is one of the characters I want to have another episode. I mean they did it with Party Pete, one of the last characters anyone would have expected.

While I'm not saying Korra should be with someone else in particular, Bolin, I do agree with  Emily in that this relationship won't last by the end of the series. Plus I always had this theory where Tenzin's past relationship with Bei Fong and his current wife foreshadowed the one between Korra and the brothers. A