I Am NOT The One Who Knocks

I like the way you took everyone else's gripes and made them your own.

Me love him short time, and very angrily at that.  That's more than he deserves.

Could they not spring for a "Waterbabies" doll?  At least they conform to cradling and handling like a real baby.

Hell… the fake plastic baby they used in between close-up shots of baby Harrison was better than toddler Harrison.

"Lumen.  What a stupid fucking name."
-Stan Liddy

I thank you for re-writing it… and if no one else does, on behalf of the whole of the AV club.

Just checked.  Batista definitely said "on a trip with Harrison."


Yes… George Plimpton.


Marge Simpson:"You know, Dexter turned into a soap opera so gradually, I didn't even notice"

Yup… and I'll probably redo the video after the last episode, because you know that one will be a HUGE stinker!

LOL!  I actually forgot who Yates was.  Oh, season 8….

…for the purposes of "research," of course.

Are you kidding me?  About ten years ago I had a friend at my house, and he had to call someone to tell them he'd be late.  I showed him my phone, which was rotary.  He picked up the handset, held it to his ear, then stared at the dial.  After about five seconds, he put the handset back on the rest and said "Never

…so tired.

It will be the same premise and jokes, but the family will be female and black. 

"Matador!  What have they done to you!?!?!"
Matador: "*sad beep*"

Props on that one, dude.