
In fairness, Elementary has been playing with this trope this season. Richard Thomas has a similar role a couple months back, and he wasn't the bad guy. There was another more recent example, can't come up with who it was, though.

Indeed. Maybe my expectations were low, but I found Affleck's performance to be all around great, and even excellent at times. For that matter, Gadot as Wonder Woman was also quite good.

Actually Verhoeven was up front about never having finished the book.

Old reruns of "Murder, She Wrote" do pretty well.

So I guess California and New York State are a big part of why we are getting Season 3 of "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend".


Well, Shelly's location is still unclear.

My primary recollection of the show (I saw it in rerun) is that there was much more crying than on your average sitcom. Like, soap opera levels of crying.

We're through the looking glass here, people.

Yeah, I've got a couple of close relatives in my life that I find myself fisheyeing every now and again. And they don't have the excuse of living in Florida.

My condolences that your mother is with the "every idiot" crowd.

I think the spoiler tag makes the sarcasm clear.

Yes. I am years behind on Arrow, but the Invasion episode was a great ep of TV in its own right.

I'm current on The Flash and Supergirl; while I love them on their own merits, you've definitely pointed out a fringe benefit, as I have also just discovered Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

You mean a cast full of Aussies doing just-passable US accents?

*Removes "Mayor" sash*

It's a good thing The Powerpuff Girls are on Cartoon Network, then.

Well, the lead evil priest needs the names of Thomas and Marcus. Plus, in Hollywoodland, you can totally suffocate someone into unconsciousness with minimal brain damage.


Father Bennett solved the organ-harvesting mystery pretty quickly, huh? Also, he better not be dead. He’s one of the few people in the church who has his head screwed on straight.