
I think we'll just have to agree to disagree.

We need to ambush…I mean, arrange a surprise guest appearance for Kanye on that show toot-sweet.

Eight. Thanks, dad.

More like 2% reasonably famous TV stars generally, not just Ritter. Who didn't like Harry Anderson back in 1990?

Yep. And each witness saw him holding the same gun they were using.

The Americans must have been the scariest show on TV for you.

Mama wasn't a great movie, but it was a pretty good movie. It had solid atmosphere and some good acting, especially from Chastain. Andrés Muschietti seems to know what to do with a camera, etc. This needn't be a bad remake, I guess.

Poulter still has his eyebrows. His scary, scary eyebrows.

Huh, I never made that connection before. Now I wonder if King caught an old Gamera movie one late night during the 5 years it took him to write It.

Just looked this guy up. His name is straight up "Bill". Not Wilhelm or William or even Will. He's "Bill". He's got brothers named Alexander, Gustaf, and Valter. So I'm guessing Stellan just got tired of coming up with names.

No, it's just that our puny human minds can only perceive IT as a fake ass looking hairy spider.

Let's not forget that he was also that guy from that Murphy Brown episode before he was any of those other things.

Since the theme song assured us they were "partly metal, partly real", I guess the show also took the fairly controversial stance that metal isn't "real".

I suspect that has less to do with what's going on in DC and Marvel proper as comic book publishers proper, and more to do with their overall roles in two multimedia empires.

Sadly, this. This isn't the first time DC has promised more hope and optimism, carried it forward for a while, and then "something" happens, and the readers suddenly realize things have grown dark again. (In fairness, Marvel has had this same problem off and on as well in the last 30 years—the impact of Watchmen is

Hey, nothing did more to further the worthy causes of astronomy, cybernetics, and understanding the periodic table among young people than the Silver Hawks.

Thank you. I've never read The Boxcar Children, so when I first read that headline, I thought it was a reference to how pooping was a key plot point of the series or something. Reading the article, it seems that was a reference to the rapid fire plan to churn out four animated movies, which seems harsh in light of

The AV Club reviews movies like this, making a point of telling us how shitty the movie is, hinting at shitty twists, and then not describing those shitty twists is as if the reviewer is passive aggressively blaming the reader for their having seen the shitty movie, or telling us that sitting through a bad movie is

Yeah, milk delivery still exists. A friend used to make a pretty good living as a milkman.

In fairness, knowledge of that incident wasn't made public until the 1990s, and its only recently spread more. It's not really the school districts' failure.