
@avclub-7b35a1122309e7451c5060ae86700961:disqus Oh, footsteps.



So I should start getting GA in trades starting with whatever volume collects #17.  Good to know.

New Jersey would sue for dilution of its brand.

For once, I will listen to The Av Club when they tell me to "watch this"!

"Heaven is for pussies."

God bless you, Hallmark Channel and ABC Family.

No, it's just her lower jaw.

It was "oh, that young lady who was nominated for an Academy Award in Winter's Bone will be playing young Mystique.  That's good."

Definitely one of those rare instances where waiting to see movie on DVD  rather than go to the theater might have been a little better for the audience.

Well, I have heard of that.  I'm pretty sure it's in the Netflix queue.

No, I knew who Jennifer Lawrence was.  Winter's Bone was a much-talked about film.

Um, that was weird.

It's not like Vin Diesel's career really popped after "XXX", either.

Giallo  It's ok until the abrupt "oops, we ran out of money" ending, which makes the whole movie seem soo much worse.


No, @Varmints if you will is clearly just an astute reader of Millar's work.

And Caplan.  It's like she completely fell off the face of the Earth after Party Down was cancelled.  She should find another show on premium cable to do.  Maybe a period piece.

"in a plot to assassinate the prime minister of North Korea, and hijinks ensue from there"
Given how powerless the premier of NK actually is, that plot is tailor-made for hijinks.  Kind of like Pineapple Pokopo's  plan to conquer Hawaii and Wyoming (in that order).