
I know I want them to now.

And then she'd act like Dharma.  And you'd spend the rest of the night shooting sad "I'm sorry" looks at your parents.

@avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus Which is still somehow like three hours longer than the one with the sandworms.

Given Norton's reputation for um, asserting himself on set, I always thought it interesting that he had Forman in this, the first (and only) film Norton directed.  I suppose it could be that since Forman put Norton in "The People vs. Larry Flynt", Norton wanted to return the favor.

Maybe that's the real twist of this show:  there is no plan to kill the POTUS, this "hostage" thing is to get Collette's terrible family to re-evaluate their choices.

@avclub-830dbe34b0cd199d6664b1c56394b200:disqus  Ah but if you can see boobs whenever you want, what value is there in seeing boobs?

….you want to build a bridge out of her?

Ah, the song so popular that Anthony Kiedis has been writing it over and over since.

Yeah, he was.  Not sure why I remember that, but I do.

You're right, I totally missed the valuable lesson from this vapid rom-com.

I saw this one on the plane on the way to London.  Every so often I see articles like this and think, "Oh yeah, I saw that on the plane to London."

I gave up at the half-way mark.  Just not good.

A lot of painful bloating?

Three months?  But I want to know now!

But Cusack's hair still looks perfect.  Spader's…not so much.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels positively about "Journeyman".

Wait, the FCC doesn't care?  This is the kind of thing the FCC lives for, and they aren't pitching a fit?

This.  It was about a dinosaur (which I loved) named Denver (where I lived).  It should have hit one of my childhood sweet-spots, and yet I fucking hated it.

No, they both work for Dannon.  They're colleagues, perhaps friendly rivals, but they are not direct competitors.

When the shit hit the fan, the cameramen stated early that they had no idea what was going on either, and that they would just keep filming since they didn't know what else to do.  Implicitly, they were in the same danger as our contestants.