
I remember that story.  It was an Elseworlds that Rick Veitch did.  While the artwork was terrible, the story did actually rise all the way to "ok, I guess."

Major Major Major.

Told us what?

Little Girl's Voice: Dad, I'm on the phone!

If I said that I'd watch at least an hour of teens lighting their eyebrows on fire, would that make me a terrible person?

Raspail was Hannibal's kill in the book, but not in the movie. 

Fairly certain they said twice-divorced in a previous episode.  May have even been last year.  Don't recall for sure. 

Granted, it's not a great theory. 

No, it's not confirmed, which is another wrinkle.  It could be either Sean or Eric's. 

As the the Royal heir thing:  The answer that jumps out at me is that, historically, a person of royal blood, however tenuous or legitimate, may put forward a claim to the throne and topple a reigning monarch under the right conditions.  So having a person of royal blood unaccounted for is a headache for the family,

This.  I knew of its existence, and had some vague "I'll watch the pilot if I remember" response.

"Blair Underwood is a pretty good actor, so an Ironside remake starring Blair Underwood needn't be terrible."

Mason Verger was a patient.  I'm fairly certain Benjamin Raspail was in the books; they changed that in film version of "The Silence of the Lambs".  So, yeah, Franklin could be a target.

"Renard letting Chloe go is the best possible scenario, however legally implausible."

My wife commented on that last night ("It's so weird to see him in a drama"), so you're not the only one.

Michael Keaton claims to have put a picture of a naked woman in the coat closet one time.  Either Mr. Rogers freaked out or just brushed it off; depends on which version you hear.

Hmm, being an inmate in an Aryan Brotherhood run prison, or being a zek with all that entails.

I didn't mind that guy so much.  Career bureaucrat, probably reached the zenith of his career with this position.  Fell for a young woman a quarter of his age, got bit in the ass for it.

My wife's comment: Oh, yeah, an American prison is much scarier than a Soviet one. (This is best read in a sarcastic tone, just so we're clear.)

God damn that was intense.  I'm so relieved this has been renewed.