
Pretty sure "The Ledge" was in the movie "Cat's Eye".

I dodged that Prince soundtrack mistake at least once—my cousin wound up with it, however, much to my uncle's chagrin.

I dodged that Prince soundtrack mistake at least once—my cousin wound up with it, however, much to my uncle's chagrin.

I recall that episode "feeling" different somehow.  It was a dark series, obviously, but there was a sense of humor, too.  That one seemed just straight ahead grim, no humor allowed.

I recall that episode "feeling" different somehow.  It was a dark series, obviously, but there was a sense of humor, too.  That one seemed just straight ahead grim, no humor allowed.

He also did an episode of "Monsters".  Played a radio talk-show host version of himself.  Talks to a woman with a monster in a box.

He also did an episode of "Monsters".  Played a radio talk-show host version of himself.  Talks to a woman with a monster in a box.

I bet Alan Moore also remembers that one in detail. 

I bet Alan Moore also remembers that one in detail. 

Substitute Minaj (who might have been joking, or not) with Jenna Jameson (who was serious)

Substitute Minaj (who might have been joking, or not) with Jenna Jameson (who was serious)

Indeed, making the review's indictment of "giving the classic DC character a biblical connection for no real reason" a bit unfair.

Indeed, making the review's indictment of "giving the classic DC character a biblical connection for no real reason" a bit unfair.

How about that short film where John Belushi is playing an elderly version of himself, visiting the rest of cast's graves, wistfully pointing out he's the only one left alive (and then he starts dancing).  The fact that he was the first to die makes that one almost unwatchable. 

How about that short film where John Belushi is playing an elderly version of himself, visiting the rest of cast's graves, wistfully pointing out he's the only one left alive (and then he starts dancing).  The fact that he was the first to die makes that one almost unwatchable.