Brendan Jordan

How about more than one picture?

The Informant! went back to the book as its source material, and cut TAL out of the process, and the profits, completely.

The Informant! went back to the book as its source material, and cut TAL out of the process, and the profits, completely.

I was lucky enough to attend the premiere at the BAM Film Festival earlier this Summer. I'd previously seen the one man show, and I'd also read the book. In my mind the film had a lot to live up to.

I was lucky enough to attend the premiere at the BAM Film Festival earlier this Summer. I'd previously seen the one man show, and I'd also read the book. In my mind the film had a lot to live up to.

I'm afraid you and I have "lived" the same government issue life, my friend.

I just finished re-watching the entire run of this show, and can happily report it is still holds up as one of the funniest ways to spend 24 minutes of free time.

I just finished re-watching the entire run of this show, and can happily report it is still holds up as one of the funniest ways to spend 24 minutes of free time.

I just finished re-watching the entire run of this show, and can happily report it is still holds up as one of the funniest ways to spend 24 minutes of free time.

How did this Phil Nugent person ever get a job at the AV Club? What a hack.