
Which all boils down to a change from the source material; the main character being changed from Japanese woman with a Japanese code name working for a Japanese agency to an American woman known simply as "the Major" working for an international organization. I can be both upset with that change and disappointed that

Outrage over a change from the source material is still outrage over a change from the source material. Whether the baseline complaint has any merit or not is a different discussion. There are ways to voice your concerns that this American remake of a Japanese property makes Section 9 an international organization and

I'll be fine with this as long as Omega Red is one of those cyborgs. It doesn't matter that Omega Red was never a Reaver (at least, I don't think he was) in the comics, Omega Red is awesome.

It doesn't help that this movie's been called - both by people upset or defending the all-female cast - the "all-female Ghostbusters" or some variation of that that puts all of the emphasis on having an all-female cast. The four Ghostbusters in the reboot are women because Paul Feig personally prefers to work with

People are (almost) this mad about that Ghost in the Shell remake. I don't know if anyone's made a six minute video about why they're not going to see it exactly, but the internet's already gone through the outrage cycle over a movie that no one will see for another 10 months solely because Scarlett Johansson was cast

Look at the intensity of hatred BvS got the moment it cast Ben Affleck as Batman.

I would be really disappointed if the point of divergence between Earth-1 and Earth-3 is that Henry Allen's father left his mother while she was pregnant with him.

Try to apply that same logic to Gotham.

he has spoken pretty bad about the show after what happened to his character in season 3.

I maybe agree with Flubba Gunto. This past season of Arrow has more serious problems (or, more accurately, an Olicity-shaped rot at its core), but I can name more individual problems with The Flash, many of which Arrow does not have. I like all of Arrow's new characters, while The Flash's range from bland (Wally) to

Chad Chonah Chameson. Got it.

I guess it needs to be asked: Will John Wesley Shipp's Jay Garrick appear on Legends of Tomorrow as a member of the JSA?

The bullshit time travel rules that are clearly made up on the fly have been a problem with this entire season.

I missed this - What did they say about Mark Hamill?

Garrick is Henry's mother's maiden name, not Nora Allen's. So, this means the difference between Earth-1 and Earth-3 is that family names in English speaking countries are passed on matrilineally?

2. 2onah 2ameson, or whatever the fuck that character's name is.

Zoom's costume has always looked like the Black Flash. This was not a surprise.

Does Arrow know this? Is Arrow upset that they don't get to drag out the flashbacks for one last season after dragging it out for two too many seasons?

The Flashpoint storyline in itself is fine. What followed it nearly killed DC.

The Jay Garrick reveal was obvious, but at least it wasn't outright given away a few episodes in advance like the Hunter Zolomon one was.