Carol Brown

Yeah, I really liked the review and all Donna's reviews, but a later line in the song—"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose/ Nothing, and that's all Bobby left me"—pretty much spells out the emptiness of the kind of freedom the song is talking about.  And isn't the other line she mentions actually

Yeah, I really liked the review and all Donna's reviews, but a later line in the song—"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose/ Nothing, and that's all Bobby left me"—pretty much spells out the emptiness of the kind of freedom the song is talking about.  And isn't the other line she mentions actually

Yeah, I'd be really surprised if Walt left because of an affair; I think it's far more likely something to do with his inflated sense of pride, maybe his overreaction to a disagreement where Gretchen sided with Eliot or something fairly innocuous like that.  And yeah, what I really wonder is what happened at Sandia,

Yeah, I'd be really surprised if Walt left because of an affair; I think it's far more likely something to do with his inflated sense of pride, maybe his overreaction to a disagreement where Gretchen sided with Eliot or something fairly innocuous like that.  And yeah, what I really wonder is what happened at Sandia,

Well, I didn't think the scab thing was all that poetic, and even if it were, I've found that people with less, say, felicity with language often come up with the best metaphors. Hell, it struck me as an extremely Jesse-like thing to say; he's trying to make small talk at dinner and unwittingly brings up some gross

Well, I didn't think the scab thing was all that poetic, and even if it were, I've found that people with less, say, felicity with language often come up with the best metaphors. Hell, it struck me as an extremely Jesse-like thing to say; he's trying to make small talk at dinner and unwittingly brings up some gross

I thought we always knew Gray Matter was worth a ton of money and that Walt missed out on it when he quit for whatever nebulous "personal" reason.    I thought it was interesting that he mentioned it in this episode after so long, but the only new information I gleaned was that he's still fairly obsessed with it.  Is

I thought we always knew Gray Matter was worth a ton of money and that Walt missed out on it when he quit for whatever nebulous "personal" reason.    I thought it was interesting that he mentioned it in this episode after so long, but the only new information I gleaned was that he's still fairly obsessed with it.  Is

I'm not so sure.  I mean, I don't think she'll ever be a major character, but I wouldn't be shocked if she and Jesse get back together again; he likes the idea of instant family so much.  And I think Brock is still something of a loose end.  I just don't think we've seen the last of the kid Walt nearly killed last

I'm not so sure.  I mean, I don't think she'll ever be a major character, but I wouldn't be shocked if she and Jesse get back together again; he likes the idea of instant family so much.  And I think Brock is still something of a loose end.  I just don't think we've seen the last of the kid Walt nearly killed last

I don't have kids, but it struck me too how unbearable it must be to basically give your baby to your sister. I've felt really sorry for Skyler lots of times, but I probably felt saddest for her seeing her holding Holly tonight.

I don't have kids, but it struck me too how unbearable it must be to basically give your baby to your sister. I've felt really sorry for Skyler lots of times, but I probably felt saddest for her seeing her holding Holly tonight.

Yeah, I decided a while ago to just assume he had a PhD because it doesn't make sense otherwise, but as the series goes on it's harder to do that.  He only ever refers to "grad school," not to his PhD work or something more specific, and people always just refer to him as a "brainiac" or a chemistry teacher and never

Yeah, I decided a while ago to just assume he had a PhD because it doesn't make sense otherwise, but as the series goes on it's harder to do that.  He only ever refers to "grad school," not to his PhD work or something more specific, and people always just refer to him as a "brainiac" or a chemistry teacher and never

I live with my husband, and find that we both can cook things, but sometimes some goddamn frozen taquitos are easier and quicker.  Of course, we've also gone days eating only cereal or peanut butter and jelly.

I live with my husband, and find that we both can cook things, but sometimes some goddamn frozen taquitos are easier and quicker.  Of course, we've also gone days eating only cereal or peanut butter and jelly.

I've always wondered why Walt doesn't have a PhD.  He doesn't, does he?  Did he leave grad school early?  How did he get hired by Sandia without a PhD? And if he was only working on a master's or something, how did he have enough time and experience in a university lab to become such a renowned genius, start a

I've always wondered why Walt doesn't have a PhD.  He doesn't, does he?  Did he leave grad school early?  How did he get hired by Sandia without a PhD? And if he was only working on a master's or something, how did he have enough time and experience in a university lab to become such a renowned genius, start a

I love Usain Bolt forever because of what he did before his race last night: You know those people who stand behind the runners and, like, take their stuff away in a box?  (I assume they have a title, but hell if I know what it is.)  I've noticed they look dour as hell, just on the verge of suicide for some reason. 

I love Usain Bolt forever because of what he did before his race last night: You know those people who stand behind the runners and, like, take their stuff away in a box?  (I assume they have a title, but hell if I know what it is.)  I've noticed they look dour as hell, just on the verge of suicide for some reason.