Carol Brown

Only pretentious/smart/artsy kids listen to the Doors?  I think every stoner I've ever known had a Jim Morrison poster at one point, and all of those kids were idiots.

I agree.  I don't always agree with her, but her weekly reviews are usually much more polished and cohesive than others (on this site and elsewhere).  The complaining about grades every week last season was so annoying; she's obviously a fan and a careful viewer of the damn show.

I agree.  I don't always agree with her, but her weekly reviews are usually much more polished and cohesive than others (on this site and elsewhere).  The complaining about grades every week last season was so annoying; she's obviously a fan and a careful viewer of the damn show.

This is the time on Sprockets when we dance.

This is the time on Sprockets when we dance.

I liked Jane a lot.  She was a junkie; they're all manipulative and untrustworthy and generally unpleasant.  But notice that she wasn't like that before she fell off the wagon; in fact, I thought the show did a remarkable job humanizing her, both before and after she died.  Her dad walking through her apartment,

I liked Jane a lot.  She was a junkie; they're all manipulative and untrustworthy and generally unpleasant.  But notice that she wasn't like that before she fell off the wagon; in fact, I thought the show did a remarkable job humanizing her, both before and after she died.  Her dad walking through her apartment,

Seems pretty clear to me that Walt wants to save the ricin in case he needs to kill somebody—not by making them lick the outlet, but by, you know, removing the vial and poisoning them.  And yeah, he could make more in an afternoon, but why not save the stuff he already has and skip that step?  It takes decidedly less

@avclub-fdd08c99916b5c8cbf1d1dd364ab229c:disqus  Hey, that's a good point about her appearance.  I'll admit, though, that while she really does look different and that really has been distracting, I've never thought her face seemed less expressive.  Rather, for one thing, I've noticed that she's definitely gained

@avclub-fdd08c99916b5c8cbf1d1dd364ab229c:disqus  Hey, that's a good point about her appearance.  I'll admit, though, that while she really does look different and that really has been distracting, I've never thought her face seemed less expressive.  Rather, for one thing, I've noticed that she's definitely gained

Yeah, I'm definitely sure it's him; he's prolific on Sepinwall's site (and has posted on others, I believe). He enjoys setting the record straight about behind-the-scenes Deadwood stuff, as @Hedwig said.

Yeah, I'm definitely sure it's him; he's prolific on Sepinwall's site (and has posted on others, I believe). He enjoys setting the record straight about behind-the-scenes Deadwood stuff, as @Hedwig said.

@Robinson_Crudite:disqus Yeah, I do think Skyler can be annoying, and she's never been a faultless saint.  But I don't think the show's ever depicted her as a "bad person"; a controlling and somewhat irritating one, sure, but not "bad." There's just no reason to hate her as much as some viewers do.

@Robinson_Crudite:disqus Yeah, I do think Skyler can be annoying, and she's never been a faultless saint.  But I don't think the show's ever depicted her as a "bad person"; a controlling and somewhat irritating one, sure, but not "bad." There's just no reason to hate her as much as some viewers do.

Yep, that makes perfect sense, @underscorex:disqus.  And I get that too; I just think it's silly to be unwilling or unable to look a little deeper and see how horribly Walt has treated Skyler (yeah, yeah, he thinks he had good intentions) and what a terrible situation he's put her in.  And how rational she's been with

Yep, that makes perfect sense, @underscorex:disqus.  And I get that too; I just think it's silly to be unwilling or unable to look a little deeper and see how horribly Walt has treated Skyler (yeah, yeah, he thinks he had good intentions) and what a terrible situation he's put her in.  And how rational she's been with

She mentioned Walt's cancer to her lawyer when her lawyer was demanding that she turn him in.  She was explaining why turning him in would be pointless, serving only to shatter their lives further, when Walt was already terminally ill and quite possibly wouldn't live much longer.  She never fucking said she hoped he'd

She mentioned Walt's cancer to her lawyer when her lawyer was demanding that she turn him in.  She was explaining why turning him in would be pointless, serving only to shatter their lives further, when Walt was already terminally ill and quite possibly wouldn't live much longer.  She never fucking said she hoped he'd

@avclub-600a51b7602a94be94712bbf272284a2:disqus I'm glad you mentioned Walt breaking into the house, playing hero to Jr, and gloating as Skyler found herself unable to tell the cops anything.  That all happened in IFT—and yet there are people who still hold Skyler's affair against her.  God, I felt horrible for her in

@avclub-600a51b7602a94be94712bbf272284a2:disqus I'm glad you mentioned Walt breaking into the house, playing hero to Jr, and gloating as Skyler found herself unable to tell the cops anything.  That all happened in IFT—and yet there are people who still hold Skyler's affair against her.  God, I felt horrible for her in