
Maybe ballet?
Brian Kelly's "She is Dancing" seems more designed for sitting.

I thought YOU had class!

OH! And "Eddie Vedder."

"The Truck Drivin' Song," "Don't Wear Those Shoes" and "Just One of Those Days."


He was fantastic in Cradle Will Rock. Also, Rounders. "I haven't got the stones? My children EAT. I pay RENT."

See, the inevitability is part of what makes it so great. About a second before it actually happens, you start to think, "Oh no, they are NOT doing a Risky Bus—hey, there's Stephen Root in no pants. HA!" And then he just GOES for it. Delightful.

@Sara: I think you're right. Neville's story is so painful that one book would be enough.

You're right, the NASA section was weird. Especially the scene where Sarah Jessica Parker has to explain that Twisted Sister "is not a her, it's a him. Actually it's a them." But the part where the kid escapes by hiding in the butler robot was cool.

Breaking the rules
I'm having a hard time thinking of television characters right now, but if we were opening this discussion up to movies and books, here are two who leap to mind:

I can confirm
"Mater must have sold a lot of toys and played like gangbusters for focus-group respondents."

@Enkidum: No, it was definitely benevolence. We wished those kids well.

The Lam
I agree that the whole Mr.-James-in-Wisconsin bit was filler, but damn if that Risky Business parody doesn't crack me up every time.

fucking rocks
About a year ago, my girlfriend and I stopped at a stop sign behind two very young teenage boys who were blasting the shit out of something or other. After a moment we realized it was "Paradise by the Dashboard Light," and they were singing along at the top of their lungs. I lunged at the CD changer and

Okay, so nobody mentioned "Luka"?
Really? Nobody? Or did I not read the comments carefully enough?

Baby Bird, "Take Me Back"
I've never been certain - is that song about stranger rape or domestic violence? The violent act in question seems to take place on a dark stretch of road, but I spent enough years in Iowa to know that a back road is no safer traveled with a stranger than with relatives.

Actually, for a movie that's supposed to be about tolerance, the racial/ethnic imbalance IS a pretty glaring misstep.


Enjoyed the Stephen Merrit joke, particularly because near the end of the film "I Thought You Were My Boyfriend" started running through my head.

HA! Douche-compound. Classic kimstaff.