
Did anyone else notice that in the first chess game (on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial), it seemed to be pretty even, but in the second, Charles was getting his ass handed to him on a platter? Yeah, Erik, you pound that little bitch.

Who's for another salty dog?

Hot fucking damn
The local drive-in is showing both parts of Deathly Hallows back-to-back on July 15. My excitement cannot be measured in conventional terms, rather it must be measured in puppies. Three or four litters of sheepdogs, probably.

Schisms pulls its biggest punch
For all the reasons Zack lists, Schisms SHOULD have been much more unsettling than it was. And the biggest reason, IMHO, is when someone (Troi, methinks) suggests that "maybe they are just explorers…like us." From the monsters' perspective, maybe they are being perfectly ethical,

Good catch. Black Orpheus is astounding.

If this Inventory included TV shows…
…I'd have to include the second season episode of Community, "Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design"

Jennifer Aniston, her ass bouncy.

Once again proving that Scully is the better shot
Mulder's attempt to hide the fact that he couldn't shoot out the tire of a vehicle, and the eventual reveal of that fact, is hilarious - and gets even better when you realize that this is in the exact same episode where Scully says, "My first shots missed, but with the

Agreed, Suetonius is fun. But I'm pretty sure Graves used Tacitus, too.

Yes, do let's make another version of JC. You could even use most of the cast of Rome in it. Ciaran Hinds is the best Caesar.

That rich nerd from season 1
I miss him too. He was played by David Herman, voice of many secondary characters on Futurama and Michael Bolton from Office Space.

I'm with Tasha
Watership Down I used to read once a year, and by now I've read it so many times I can basically knock it out in a day. Others include: The Outlaws of Sherwood by Robin McKinley, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susannah Clarke, Charmed Life by Dianna Wynn Jones, Goodnight Mr. Tom by Michelle

If you're a sucker for a montage, this is the movie for you. It has two - TWO! - and one of them is James Bond-y. I am such a sucker, and I found this movie pretty fun, partly because in addition to said montages, it dove into the deep end of cheesy dialogue without looking back, and the actors seemed in on it.

Oh, AND!
Dumbledore's Army.

Of course
If the staff from The West Wing is game, then I get to call on the news team from Sports Night.

Jim, Phil and Gilda
The people I thought of immediately. You are all missed.

It's true, he was tedious in the extreme. However, the look on Worf's face when Clemens called him a werewolf was priceless.

I absolutely cannot stand old-age makeup. I hated it in Edward Scissorhands, I hated it in various Star Treks, I really really hated it in that episode of the X-Files, and it ruined at least three-quarters of Benjamin Button for me. The only time it even sort of worked was in The Forsyte Saga, and that's probably

Yep. Bill Hunter was awesome.

President Snow
Michele Forbes. Get it done.