
On the subject of which one is the superhero and which is the sidekick: I thought the whole joke was that they are both natural sidekicks. In fact I was expecting Leonard to get frustrated enough to explain that to them in an overwrought monologue full of comic book references, to end the wrestling match. Seems like a

Do you need anything dampened? Or made soggy?

And while we're on the subject of Wesley in future episodes, which one has Picard yelling, "You don't deserve to wear THAT UNIFORM!" at Wesley?

Probably not the best album of the year…
…but my favorite is Jukebox the Ghost's Everything Under the Sun.

I came for the residual Earl love, stayed for lines like "I DID IT FOR THE HUGS, JIM!" and "Where's your eyebrow?" "Ate it."



It might not be you, Squelchy. Your enjoyment of the film might be directly proportional to your love for Steven McQueen. And people tend to be either "meh" or "WOOHOO!" about him.

Mmm…Sports Night…

Two more for your consideration
The Quiet American and The Constant Gardener.

If you had the Muppets re-enact Twin Peaks, putting their own Muppety spin on it, and then found human actors to re-enact THAT, you would have Northern Exposure. Think about it:
Major Briggs—Sam the American Eagle—>Maurice.
Audrey—>Miss Piggy—>Maggie.
Ben Horne—>Rowlf—>Holling.

Do it, dude! I watched the whole series last year and longed for an AV Club recap. In the end I started composing my own reviews in my journal and getting my cats to compete for firsties and…well, that's probably enough about that.

Yup, this tape kicked around my house for years too. I might actually still have it.

The most overt sexual chemistry is between Skinner and Doggett. The way they star at one another…honestly, in one scene from season 8 Doggett leaves screen in a huff and I swear to god Skinner bites his lip watching.


Couldn't let that last one pass
Here's the blurb:

I concur, Your Space Holiness.

Has anyone else seen Shatner's talk show, Raw Nerve? It's kind of jaw-droppingly awkward and fascinating at once.

Also, if you're basing your judgment of Hendricks solely on the last few episodes of Mad Men's fourth season…well, *cough* I don't want to be a SPOILER but…there's a plot reason for her increased size, if you catch my drift.

Jack Handey might be real, but Pat and Stuart Smalley are not, and they both have books.